Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Preview of what we offer

Bethany here. I am taking it upon myself to write the inaugural post on this blog, the official merging of two hobbies. Cody and I have been married for over a decade and have just stumbled upon the idea of making the most of what we both love to do. He: ultra running, She: photography. We are both excited to share and hope you enjoy the result. I will get down to business and share a photo from the latest adventure we undertook: The Zion 100k. Cody's portion will follow as his time allows. (as you can imagine, he spends most of his free time...well, running.)

This shot is of the course as it winds it's way up (and later, down) Gooseberry Mesa.


  1. What a beautiful view! Such a fun idea to combine your talents this way.

  2. This is a great, awesome idea. Looking forward to many pictures, plus a few good runs from Cody.

    Is there any way for Marci and I to combine home decoration and running?
