Tuesday, December 23, 2014

A Crew's Top 3 Picks 2014 {in Photos}

We are all getting a feel for how Cody views the trails. Basically he eats, sleeps and bleeds it. This morning, we watched Cody's video that Google + compiles based on photos he has uploaded in the past year. I bet you can guess what the entire 60 second montage consisted of. In addition to me vowing to make him take a few more pics of himself and his family, the video also got me thinking back on the past year. The good, the bad and the hospitals. So, I thought I would share with you all some of my favorite highlights from the trails. These are in chronological order.

                                                                     Zion 100k. 

The first family excursion of the year. To a race. (You will notice a pattern in our family travels. I'm sure some of you can relate.)

The weather was not sweltering, which is better than....well,  sweltering. There were numerous crew "accessible" locations. (minimal walking required- bonus with kids in tow), amazing views from a top the plateaus, below the plateaus and then ...a top the plateau again. Really, the waiting was so much more bearable with Zion and a sprawling Virgin valley to look at. 

HardRock 100 2014

I believe we have covered this whole trip in sufficient detail. If you feel it hasn't Cody and I are more than happy to recap. It is just as fun in hindsight as it was when it was occurring. 
This wasn't a race for Cody, but he left a significant part of himself there in the San Juans. (We are grateful that part wasn't his spleen...). Hightlight Photos- just in case you are considering this race. Go. Just Go. Hike, walk, drive, whatever. This place is fantastic. 

After this, other trail runs start to pale. But we happen to be fortunate enough to live in a trail mecca, so I wasn't jaded for long. Cody dropped from Speedgoat, but we still attended the race as spectators (a job Cody does not relish. In fact, I am pretty sure I saw some tears shed as runners approached,  sped by then dwindled in the fresh mountain air.)

Speedgoat 2014

Speedgoat is another spectator friendly race. I am pretty sure I have raved on it before, but it bears repeating. I could come every year just to cheer on these trail hungry athletes. Rain or shine, alone or with a sad and melancholy husband, hiking or waiting for runners, this race satisfies. Even for the non running, camera wielding, person that I am.  Or should I say, especially for the non running, camera wielding person that I am. 

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